Friday, 16 April 2010

A Nasty Virus!

'A nasty virus is what you've got', the nurse told me when I went to see her a few days after Easter. I'd been feeling rough since the family left on Easter Sunday and things weren't getting any better. She checked me out and gave me some antibiotics to try. 'They won't work though, if it's a bacterial infection' was her parting shot. By the weekend things were getting worse, so another trip to the Doctor's confirmed that I had - yes - pneumonia! 'More antibiotics, but don't forget to finish the first course', he said.
Well two weeks have gone by since the first sneeze, and I'm beginning to make a little progress. While I've been away from the allotment the weeds have been steadily growing (that reminds me of a song but I can't think which one) and there's no-one to plant the potatoes chitting away in the conservatory. Ah well, they'll just have to wait. A few days after I came down with the virus, Peter caught it too, so we're just trying to keep each other going.
The seeds I planted a few weeks ago are still making very slow progress - apart from the sunflowers which are about 6 inches tall. And what is it with leeks? They took ages to germinate and they're still so small and spindly. What do I have to do? I'll have to ask Bernie. I encouraged Peter to plant some garlic 'seeds' which we'd kept in the shed over winter, not really thinking they'd grow. Well of course they're doing famously. I've never heard of anyone growing garlic seeds before - maybe it will be a two year process, who knows? The other seeds he planted were some green peppers. They're also doing well - he must have green fingers.
Hopefully we'll both soon be fit enough to get down to do a bit of 'green fingering' on the allotment.

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