Tuesday, 4 May 2010

The vandals return!

Saturday1st May
I've spent this week slowly building up my strength again. I found that digging and planting two rows of potatoes in one day was just too much so I had to take it easy and do a bit at at time. I've now planted all the seed potatoes, as well as another two rows of peas. I've planted beet, carrots and parsnips straight into the ground, although I'm doubtful if the carrots will grow as the seed is from 2008.
It's been a real treat to come home every other day for the last couple of weeks with a lovely bunch of fresh asparagus. The weeds are beginning to take over though.
I was clearing out the shed at home the other day and found .... wait for it .... another sack of potatoes, completely untouched! They look like they were the best ones too. Unfortunately they were all sprouting so I'll just have to plant them now.
Bernie gave me some of his left over cabbage plants which I've protected with netting as we still have rabbits on the plot. He also gave me some French bean plants which I've now managed to get in the ground. I still haven't got any planted at home yet, but the runner beans are starting to grow. All my seed trays in the conservatory are beginning to get going now, after a slow start. The pumpkin seeds are romping away and almost all the squash seeds I saved from last year have now germinated.
The apple tree is looking fantastic and is loaded with blossom. I'm so pleased it's doing well as it was planted rather too late last Spring - much against the advice of the nurseryman. However, we did look after it well and watered it often. Unfortunately the pear tree doesn't seem to have any blossom at all. It has lots of leaves though and looks very healthy. Here's hoping for next year.
We took some friends down to show them round the plot this evening, but found that the vandals had smashed their way through the gate and broken the latch. They've also forced their way into the shed and broken the catch. Nothing else seems to have been taken or damaged. I guess they were just showing that a simple thing like a padlock wasn't going to stop them getting in. It's so frustrating.

1 comment:

nj said...

A pity the pear tree has no blossom.