I went down yesterday with some grass seed to extend the 'lawn'. The soil was already weeded and raked so it didn't take too long. I removed the stones from the surface, tramped it down using a board,
raking down any high patches as I went. After spreading the seed I put up some sticks, string and a few plastic streamers to deter the birds. I didn't need to water as I knew it was going to rain in the afternoon. Well it didn't just rain - it poured. It's been raining for about 30 hours now, except for a brief spell this afternoon, and it's still raining! I hardly dare go down again in case all the seed has been washed away.
I picked a good basket of tomatoes and also dug up the rest of the
potatoes. I planted Desiree and Pentland Crown this year and both have produced a good sized crop.
Betty and I went for a walk round the site and met Sarah who invited me in for a coffee. She was busy cleaning her onions.
She showed me round and gave me a couple of her outdoor cucumbers. She has a very neat plot and a very welcoming shed.
Here's Betty resting on a piece of carpet providing shade over the bath - just in case there are any frogs in there!
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