Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Wednesday 1st April
It was a joy to be outside this morning. There was a clear blue sky and the birds were singing. I had been down yesterday to remove the polythene from the peach and the gage trees, and also did a bit of weed removal among the asaparagus plants. I continued with that job today, but had to be careful, as hey guess what - the asparagus has started to force it's little pink shoots up into the hard cracked earth! Exciting or what? Actually, once I got through the top layer, the soil underneath was moist and crumbly. Some of the weeds were showing evidenvce of having been killed off by the weedkiller two weeks ago, but of course there's lots of new ones now. The rock salt I sprinkled on the asparagus plants in the Autumn seems to have had the desired effect, as most of the plants themselves were weed free.
I filled in the remaining runner bean trench and did a bit of raking ready for planting the parsnips and beetroot outside later this week. I took Alan's advice - well sort of - and only worked for an hour today, with a break after 30 minutes.

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