The grand anniversary of my first year on the allotment passed unevenfully while I was away in Uganda. Nevertheless, it seems that many memorable events happened due to Peter's hard work and the weather. I'll attempt to fill you in.
Just in the nick
of time before the torrential rains of late July and early August, Peter and Kevin installed a 1,000 litre water tank and filled it from the river using the newly renovated pump. The 1968 pump had been donated by a neighbour and on inspection it was found to be in serious need of overhauling. Peter spent a few days cleaning out the pump, replacing parts and restoring the engine to it's former glory. Secretly, I reckon he thoroughly enjoyed the project! The tank was bought at the local auction during my first week away, for £30 and was installed one Sunday afternoon with Kevin's help.
During the first week Peter finished picking the remaining broad beans and removed the plants to the compost. The spring sown beans have not been as successful as the Autumn sown ones. I was surprised to hear that he was able to begin picking the runner beans as they were barely half way up the poles when I went away! Most of these have been frozen. He also dug up the remaining winter onions and shallots, which he hung up to dry in the shed at home. The second early potatoes were ready for digging up that first week, so these were duly sorted and stored.
The end of my first week away saw the allotment open day. Peter was working on the plot when John and Jenny arrived . They tried our first ear of corn which turned out to be a revelation - so tender and sweet. They invited him over to George's place for a cuppa and a piece of cake. I'm sorry I missed it as George's cake is legendary. While there he met Francesca, a Spanish lady who has an allotment not far from ours. She told him that she keeps bees, although not on the allotment. She thought that people may not be too happy to have bees swarming around while they work. Peter is quite interested in bee-keeping himself. He also met the lovely Lynn, a former work-colleague of mine from my teaching days.
Meanwhile back at home, the first apricots were ripening and Peter discovered a new talent - for jam-making. I had a phone call in Uganda to say he had made 40 jars of jam! He gave lots away to family and friends and had huge amounts of praise for his efforts. Andrea reckoned it was the 'Best Jam in the World!'
Also during this week the torrential rains arrived, including hailstones which made the national news. Many of the crops were damaged, including the squash and the corn. However, by the time I came back they seemed to be recovering well. Being in Uganda made me realise how lucky we are in England with our mixed weather. The crops there have failed due to lack of rain, and people there are starving.
Just in the nick
During the first week Peter finished picking the remaining broad beans and removed the plants to the compost. The spring sown beans have not been as successful as the Autumn sown ones. I was surprised to hear that he was able to begin picking the runner beans as they were barely half way up the poles when I went away! Most of these have been frozen. He also dug up the remaining winter onions and shallots, which he hung up to dry in the shed at home. The second early potatoes were ready for digging up that first week, so these were duly sorted and stored.
The end of my first week away saw the allotment open day. Peter was working on the plot when John and Jenny arrived . They tried our first ear of corn which turned out to be a revelation - so tender and sweet. They invited him over to George's place for a cuppa and a piece of cake. I'm sorry I missed it as George's cake is legendary. While there he met Francesca, a Spanish lady who has an allotment not far from ours. She told him that she keeps bees, although not on the allotment. She thought that people may not be too happy to have bees swarming around while they work. Peter is quite interested in bee-keeping himself. He also met the lovely Lynn, a former work-colleague of mine from my teaching days.
Meanwhile back at home, the first apricots were ripening and Peter discovered a new talent - for jam-making. I had a phone call in Uganda to say he had made 40 jars of jam! He gave lots away to family and friends and had huge amounts of praise for his efforts. Andrea reckoned it was the 'Best Jam in the World!'
Also during this week the torrential rains arrived, including hailstones which made the national news. Many of the crops were damaged, including the squash and the corn. However, by the time I came back they seemed to be recovering well. Being in Uganda made me realise how lucky we are in England with our mixed weather. The crops there have failed due to lack of rain, and people there are starving.
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