Thursday, 9 July 2009

Tidying before the big trip

This may be my last visit to the allotment before I go to Uganda. I did lots of weeding especially around the asparagus. Two whole barrow loads full! The bindweed is spreading everywhere again - it's very hard to control. Jenny said the other day that one year of weeds equals five years of seeds - I think she's right. However, as I went round with the hoe I felt that the whole place was looking pretty well-cared for now. The squash plant is beginning to take off, and even has flowers on. I'll be excited to see it produce some lovely butternut squash. As long as Peter remembers to water it while I'm away!
The new red cabbage plants I put in the other day are covered in aphids so I've sprayed them and covered them with the netting which was covering the strawberries. I don't suppose it will keep out the aphids but it may prevent the caterpillars from laying their eggs. There are lots of ladybirds about, but they just can't eat up all the insects quickly enough. I picked some more peas today and the rest of the gooseberries. I'm hoping to make a gooseberry pie or two tomorrow.
In today's photo you can see the wild blackberries in flower. This is the first time I will have my very own crop of of blackberries. Don't know if I'll be able to keep the human predators away! Also in the photograph is the one remaining buddlaeia bush which is part of the hedge. Probably the best place for it.
The dahlias are just beginning to flower, so I've staked the taller ones and put some milk containers stuffed with newsapaper on top of the canes. My Dad used to do that only it was jam jars in those days. The earwigs used to take up residency in the newspaper rather than the dahlia flowers. Well that was the idea anyway. As kids we used to take delight in opening out the newpaper and stamping on the earwigs. Ah the delights of being a child!

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