Friday, 27 November 2009

The old shoe

I was reading on someone's blog today that on average you need to spend 10 - 14 hours on your allotment per week in the busy season. It spurred me on to get my gardening togs on today as it's bright and sunny.
I had bought some more Autumn sown broad beans which I used to fill the gaps and to plant another two short rows. The ones I planted a few weeks ago are all about 4 inches tall now, but I can't imagine the ones I planted today will get such a good start before the cold weather sets in.
I dug up some carrots which looked impressive as a little bundle wrapped in newspaper. However, usually when I start to clean them I'm less than impressed as they're pretty small and most are affected by the carrot root fly.
I think Peter did me a favour by not getting round to doing any rotavating this Autumn. I dug over some of the earth between the fruit bushes today and pulled quite a large pile of ugly white bindweed roots. The rotavator would just have chopped them into little pieces. While I was digging I unearthed an old shoe! I wonder who it belonged to?

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