Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Welly Weather

Monday 9th November.
I keep doing a bit of digging over every time I go down but the soil is getting rather heavy now and it's definitely time for the wellies.
I seem to be getting behind with blogging my visits to the allotment. Maybe the novelty is wearing off. Last week I went down and removed the runner bean plants to the compost bin. I chopped them up with the shears, along with the asparagus ferns. Also dug over where the French and runner beans had been.
It looks like Kevin has been busy in his corner, as all the carrots and leeks have the gone and the soil dug over. I spoke to him this week and asked if he'd like some asparagus plants. I still have more than I need and still some growing in the wrong place.
I've been to collect manure from a nearby farm a couple of times recently and came back with eight bags one day. I've been picking a few carrots but most of them are very small and some have been attacked by the carrot root fly. I've also picked some of the perpetual spinach which has popped up all over the fruit tree area. It's actually very tasty and much nicer than cabbage. Even Peter will eat it!
This week I've put in a bag of winter onions and covered them with pea sticks to prevent the tops from being eaten. Some of the shallots are through and have already been nibbled. I've covered the broad beans with a polytunnel as I read somewhere that this keeps the soil warm and gives them a better start. I planted some of last year's saved sweet pea seeds. Didn't put them in pots this time just straight into the ground. I've saved some to plant in the Spring so as to extend the flowering season. The dahlias are just about finished now, but they've been well worth it - I may bring some of them home to plant in the garden next year.
Some of the Brussels sprouts plants are hanging on in there and even growing, despite most of the tops having been nibbled away. I've just made a pot of sweet potato and red pepper soup, but I had to buy the ingredients. I'll have to have a go at growing them next year.

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