12.11.09 It would have been my Dad's 100th birthday today! I thought of him while digging on the plot.
It's a lovely sunny morning so I decided to stain the shed door and the gate. There wasn't enough stain to do them both in the same colour so the shed door is red cedar to match the rest of the shed and the gate is a sage green. It looks very smart. Bernie was there today picking his sprouts from beneath the netting and also some parsnips. I asked him when was the right time to plant sprouts, and he told me that some are planted in the Spring and some in the Autumn and they have a very long growing season. That didn't really help with my plants which have been decimated with black and whitefly and the sprouts are almost non-existent. However, I gather that they're one of the most difficult things to grow. Nevertheless, he did give me a lovely lettuce. I don't know how he manages to keep the pesky rabbits and slugs away.
I planted a small holly tree in one of the gaps in the hedge - had to plant it on the outside of the plot, near the river, as most of the other hedge plants seemed to be on that side. I still have one more holly tree to find a space for. I got them at the church Autumn fair last weekend. I was running the plant stall so had first pick of the plants on offer. I also have a bronze fennel to go in somewhere.
I'm still working on the asparagus bed and managed to dig out one more plant today for Kev's corner. I thought the plant was going to defeat me as it was very deeply rooted. In fact when I got it out I was able to split it into two.
I've decided to put next year's runner beans on the ground where last year's maincrop potatoes grew. I'm not sure if that's right but I've dug two trenches now ready to fill with newspaper and kitchen waste. Peter took some more wood down at the weekend, so here's a picture of the growing wood pile.
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