Our neighbours, Jo and Grahame have asked if they can come along to see the allotment. It was a lovely evening so they came along today with daughter Lauren and boyfriend Kev, who are keen gardeners. It's great to be able to share our enthusuiasm with our friends. We proudly showed them round. It's amazing just how much we have growing already. The strawberries and blueberries are flowering and the gooseberries already have little berries on. I love gooseberries and have never
Kev is keen to come and give a hand on the plot, so he is going to dig over the last remaining piece of ground and grow some veggies himself.
Of course we all sat and had a cuppa in the sunshine before they had to leave, taking with them the inevitable bunch of asparagus. Peter and I stayed on for a while and worked in the warm evening sunshine. Peter burned last week's hedge trimmings and weed killed the last
corner of the plot, so that the weed killer can get to work over the next week. I weeded some more of the asparagus bed. The bindweed is beginning to return on the patch where I'd already weeded. It's a bit like painting the Forth Bridge - when you finish at one end you just start at the beginning again.
On the way home we saw John and Jenny who have just returned from holiday. They were dismayed at the number of weeds which have sprung up while they were away. We swapped veg - they gave us some sprouting broccoli and we gave them some asparagus.
How lovely to have afternoon tea at "The Allotment" It's amazing to sse how much work has been done and sometimes daunting I guess to see what continuously remains!!
The Asparagus was taken home and cooked for Kevin who I think will become a fan. How lovely. Hopefully he will grow some for us on his little corner. Now to be called "Kev's corner" I think.
What a treat to see the Robins. A very rare occurrence I think.
All in all a great hour in the warm, spring, early evening sunshine. Thank you
Jo it was a pleasure to have such enthusiastic and interested visitors. Please come again.
Thanks for the guided tour and cant wait to attack the plot of land you have very kindly let us borrow, tea was lovely and the robins were amazing, never seen anything that close. So we will see you soon and hopefully be able to help add to the blog, take care.
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