Peter borrowed the rototiller first thing this morning, and got to work digging the hard earth.
Meanwhile, I removed the remaining sedge grass, and the buttercups. The tiller is a bit of a beast, and is dificult to manoevre. Unfortunately the cold frame lid - in the background - received a hard knock from the tiller blade, and the glass smashed. Luckily we only lost one layer of glass, and in fact, if anything, it fits the frame better than before. After going over the area once, Peter decided that a new belt would make things easier, so off he went to get one.
While he was gone I went to help Sarah celebrate her birthday - on the plot of course. It was 'Champers and Shortbread in the Shed'. After a conducted tour of the plot the scarecrow was duly erected. She (the scarecrow that is) has been laid up recently, with an injured back, and has only recently been well enough to return. They plan to make a scarecrow calendar, so had to dress her up in both January's - a rather fetching ski-ing outfit - and February's - a revealing red strappy number - outfits. Ah well - it takes all sorts I suppose!
Peter and I returned to the business and finished digging over the 'fruit garden' as Peter has now dubbed it. It just remains for me to remove the rest of the weeds, grass etc, rake and level it, and plant the grass seed. Did I say JUST? I also planted some more bagged broad beans today. Still a few more to fill up the row.
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