Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Kev's Corner

Tuesday 12th May
Peter took me down this evening and we met up with Kevin who has already made a start on digging over his corner. It's hard work because of the lack of rain and the amount of large weed roots still lurking there.
Peter sprayed the fruit trees and the broad beans, and did some watering. I used my good hand to pull up some of the weeds from the grassed area. Can't really call it a lawn just yet! The weeds are now big enough to pull without pulling out the grass as well. One of the gooseberry bushes was so heavy with fruit that the branches were almost on the ground. I can't wait for my first gooseberry pie. I remember the best one I've ever eaten was made by Peter's cousin Marie. They used to have the most amazing garden in Appleby, with three enormous gooseberry bushes. She was such a good cook - still is.

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