Imogen looks pretty pleased with herself, although she wasn't too keen on her first raspberry. We are all very proud of her.
It's been Peter's week off this week, but between us we haven't
managed much time on the allotment. Watering has been the main job as we still haven't had any rain to speak of. We're trying to keep the trees watered, as well as the squash, French beans and carrot seeds. The corn seems to be doing well on it's own.
Katherine came down with me on Wednesday evening, to do some watering. She didn't want to spend too long there, but we ended up spending longer than we intended. She asked if there was anything to pick, so we picked our first crop of peas. They haven't really been very successful, but we picked enough for a couple of meals. I'll try and protect them earlier next year from whatever was was eating the young plants. We then dug up some potatoes. Katherine was amazed at how
many there were from each plant. She kept wanting to dig up more. She must have had a very deprived childhood! I don't think we ever grew potatoes at home before, but the sweetcorn and strawberries did well in Canada, and the broad beans and rasberries were a success in Scotland.
Peter has been picking gooseberries and
blackcurrants again this week. I've had to put most of them in the freezer.
I'm off to Uganda for three weeks on Saturday and have been busy lately with fund-raising events for that. We've raised over £20,000 so far, towards the building of a dormitory for a girl's school. I've not had much time for jam-making - that'll have to wait till I come back. I'm still tackling the weeds bit by bit - trying to get them largely under control before I go away.
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