Monday, 8 March 2010

An afternoon in the sun

Sunday 7th March
Well the sun finally came out and we got some Spring-like weather. We spent a lovely afternoon on the plot, watching the birds and drinking tea - among other things! Saw a pair of robins and several coal tits and chaffinches. Peter trimmed back the tall hedge closest to the river and started putting up some chicken wire in front of the hedge. It still needs fixing in place and a wire running along the bottom edge to try and keep out those pesky rabbits. I know - there's no such thing as a rabbit-proof fence! I collected all the trimmings and added them to the fire heap and finished digging over the rest of the green-manured ground. I mended the board alongside the pebble path which must have come loose and floated away in the flood.
I put my first lot of potatoes to chit at home on Friday and planted lots of seeds. Hollyhock, lavender, basil, parsley, sunflower, sweet pea, cabbage and leeks. Bernie said I should get the leeks in early - his are already up.
I couldn't find my flag today but did find the flag pole. It was still in it's holder at the side of the shed! I reckon I must have left it there before Christmas and the wind has taken it away. I'll have to ask my Newfie friends to send another one.

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